Thursday, May 23, 2019

Tune In Thursday

I am thinking of starting one more blog that incorporates my new username somehow. I am out of ideas at the moment but it’s not something I am not acting on just yet. It actually requires a lot of thought to come up with a blog title that’s going to last and then don’t get me started on content. It is still something I find enjoyable.

Anyways, not talking about that kinda tune in even though it has a nice ring to it. I am actually discussing music. Ed Sheeran is one of my favorite musicians out there. I have all of his albums thus far and listen to them regularly. I keep them together because I know when I listen to one I want more. He just released that he’s coming out with a collaboration album this summer. Majority of the time, I’d be thrilled at new music coming. After the release with his first single featuring the Bieber, I am actually skeptical and apprehensive. It all depends on this new single that’s going to be released I think maybe tomorrow.

It’s a busy year for music. Adele keeps saying that she’ll be releasing new music but don’t know if that’s true or not. And good old Taylor Swift is also dropping an album. We shall see.

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