Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Movie Post

*Photo Credit: Pinterest *

Today marks the fifteenth anniversary of the movie Mean Girls. There are so many talented actors and funny lines in this film that makes memorable and a classic of today. It even has a Broadway musical after it. The movie is based off of a book too I think. 

I was a freshman in high school when this movie came out. It was between this movie and Napoleon Dynamite that were popular. 

It’s impossible to pick just one quote from here to show. 

Saturday, April 27, 2019

A Creative Piece

The Forgetful Foot

Oh no, which way do I go?
Which direction to choose, nobody knows.
Should I go left or should I go right?
If I go backwards would that cause a fright?
Or maybe I should keep going straight,
The souls of these feet can’t handle all this body weight, anymore
Smooth pavement to walk on to cobbled stones,
Forgetfulness and confusion are gone.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

First Entry

Hi and welcome to thekimberlyanne blog! I am so excited to continue this blogging experience and share personal favorites, ideas and thoughts. I wanted to start by sharing why I created this blog. I brought this to life because it is a form of communication and self expression. A place on the Internet where I can get creative and go with its changes. Overtime, I’ve morphed into different outlets and this is the one I’m with. I’ve learned a lot through blogging. Not just with myself but my entries have evolved through the ages. They started out completely unique. Then they got a little too personal. Then they became more like articles. With this blog, it is my hope it will be a combination of the above including getting in touch with one’s self. I choose Blogger through Google because I don’t need a fancy place to write. Just let me throw in some words and occasional pictures and we’re good. Can’t wait to start this journey with all of you.